Fremont Hills Country Club - In the beginning

The Fremont Hills Country Club was set up and came into operation soon after the incorporation of the Town of Los Altos Hills. The Town incorporated in January 1956, and the Fremont Hills Country Club was granted its Use Permit by the Town in December 1957.

Practically speaking - it was the Town's idea to set the wheels in motion that eventually resulted in the founding of the club. Soon after the Town's birth, it was the Planning Commission that realised that Los Altos Hills would hardly be in a position to finance adequate recreational areas for the town's ever-increasing population. They suggested that the sub-dividers make alllowances for such facilities in their plans. A non-profit corporation was set up with the the Board of Directors having five members - specifically they were the five partners of the Fremont Hills Development Company.

Some years later, (date unknown) a 12-page booklet was made available to the membership containing copies of some of the early documents that surrounded the birth of the club. The pages in this book were scanned and are reproduced below.

Front Cover












Back Cover